Friday, 9 March 2012

Kony Island?

Today's blog will be without the usual sarcastic, alcohol induced rantings. Oh, and no dick talk. Thanks for that Jenna.

I watched the viral Kony 2012 video today.  Usually, watching a popular video is at the top of my daily to-do list, especially when it involves funny cats, talking babies, or people hurting themselves.  I had an idea of what the video was about after seeing different Twitter and Facebook statuses.  I needed to be in the right mood for a video like this.  I feel an overwhelming urge to share my feelings on this video. I am not asking any of you to support or to not support this cause. Just my own thoughts.

The power of social media today truly amazes me. Especially when it is used for good, and not just porn distribution.Despite the light and uncaring nature of this blog, stuff actually gets to me.  If I see a homeless person on the street, I will think about them for the rest of the day. If I hear about a kid being bullied or made fun of, it will be on my mind for hours.

If you had mentioned or asked me about Joseph Kony yesterday, I probably would have responded with the title of this blog. Coney island fries?
The first word that comes to mind if I were asked how I felt after watching the informative 27 minute video, is embarrassment.  I am truly embarrassed that this man exists and has been doing what he is doing for 20 years, and I had no idea.   But I can name every celebrity that has filed for divorce in the past 5 years and what the top 5 songs on iTunes are today.  Shame, helplessness, anger and sadness quickly follow.

I've seen comments made about this video on both ends of the spectrum.. Some are very eager to support and stand behind this cause to create awareness.  Others of a more cynical nature are responding that Kony is just one of many horrible people in this world and a YouTube video isn't going to change anything.

What really bothers me is that I don't feel like I can make a difference and help the situation. Sure, I signed the pledge and can donate money.  But short of parking myself in the Uganda jungle with a lynching rope and a copy of "How to Capture a War Criminal for Dummies", I do not personally feel like I am making a difference. That bugs me.

I am grateful that I watched it, even though my whole weekend is now probably ruined because it is all I will think about.  It did what it was supposed to do for me - made me aware.  It also taught me a lesson  in which I am absolutely going to appreciate what I have, where I live, and what is actually important.
Less TMZ and more CNN methinks.

I hate that we live in a world where these activities are happening. It enrages me that this Kony character specifically targets children, who aren't being given a chance at a normal life, now or in the future. It literally makes me sick.  I am however, so grateful that we live in a time where the technology and so many different social media outlets exist that information can be shared and awareness can be made within hours. It's pretty amazing, really. 

PS. I am totally drinking a bottle of wine tonight

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